In our kickboxing and sports karate classes for children aged 6 to 11, we place a strong emphasis on fostering essential qualities such as respect, discipline, courage, and loyalty, along with nurturing positive group dynamics and teamwork skills.
Our teaching philosophy also revolves around nurturing self-confidence, assertiveness, and perseverance in young minds. We guide them in setting meaningful goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve them.
Moreover, we believe in equipping children with the ability to protect themselves while also helping them excel in competitions and much more. All of these elements come together to create a well-rounded and confident individual.
Important: There is no obligation to participate in competitions!
In Power Kids Kickboxing/Sport Karate, our focus isn't just on traditional techniques. Instead, we emphasize modern competition strategies geared towards injury-free sport karate and point-fighting tournaments.
Our Power Kids Kickboxing/Sport Karate course incorporates techniques from various martial arts and sports, blending them into an efficient and effective system.
Our competition format is akin to fencing, employing a point-stop system to ensure safe and engaging bouts.
Eine sichere Selbstverteidigung und ein gesundes Selbstvertrauen führen zu mehr Sicherheit. Daher erhält die Vermittlung einer situationsgerechten Selbstverteidigung und Notwehr eine hohe Priorität.
Durch die Kampfkunst-Übungen in unseren Power Kids Kung-Fu Kursen lernen unsere Schüler das Gefühl, die Kraft und die Kontrolle über ihre koordinativen und körperlichen Fähigkeiten.
Unsere Wertevermittlung in jedem Unterricht beinhalten Wochen- und Monatsthemen wie Respekt, Disziplin, Umgang mit Fremden, Anti-Mobbing und Zielsetzung.